Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mr Bean goes to Church

This is long but it is so funny! I hope ya'll enjoy!

Having problems seeing pics?

Just wanted everyone to know that the pictures are fine, they aren't blurry even if you see them that way. It is probably because of the amount of data on the website and if you are on dail up. So if you are on dail up be patient it takes time to load...go do laundry or fix dinner and then come back...lol If you have problems please click the comment button on each post and let me know so I can fix the problem.


Monday, May 21, 2007

The neighborhood shoe monster

This as well as the next video is of the puppy that wandered onto our property yesterday....She was so cute!!

Video of Jeff and the puppy playing

Impromptu Visit

We had carpet laid upstairs yesterday so we had no plans to go down to the property. After the carpet guy left we decided to go to Lowe's and they had some wood clearenced.....Bobby is like a deal magnet and they gave him the wood for .25 and .50 cents a piece so we couldn't pass it up. Needless to say we ended up having to go down to the property.

While we were there a puppy wandered onto our property and decided it just loved me and wanted to play awhile so I got some video of her and some pics too. She was the cutest little thing and we had fun playing with her but before we left I looked at her collar for an address and we took her back home which happen to be right across the street and down alittle bit. That neighbor turned out to be related to the neighbors across from us on both sides...I swear this is nothing but family down here and it's funny to note that Bobby happened to work with several of the brothers to the guy that lives across the road.

While we were there I took pictures of my roses which just bloomed and last week John Daniel brought me flowers that him and Torie got me for Mother's Day and Bobby planted them in the little garden. Well they were all in bloom too so I got pics of those....Here is my pictures from yesterday:

I found this tree while wandering the property...I think its crabapple?

The Lilly that John and Torie got me:

Our Rose Bush

Friday, May 18, 2007

Our First Cookout at the farm - May 2007

May 12th, 2007 was a really great day for us. We had our first family cookout at the farm. To be honest this is actually the first family or any other type of get together Bobby and I have ever had together at our home so it meant alot to us.

I think everyone had a great time and I look forward to doing it again soon. I think there was sixteen of us total although Stacy and Renada left early because they had a luncheon to go to. Renada - Nadie was a really big help to me, they were the first ones to get there and if it hadn't been for her helping me with the food I'd never got it done for sure. Thanks Nadie! Nadie and I have had a hard road, I guess its probably not easy being "the other wife"...hehe and most don't get along but we've come a long way and she's a good person and good to the kids, heck we get along real good now....she's really like my brother's wife...haha since Stacy is more like my brother than my ex-husband so I guess that makes her almost like my sister in law! Anyway, were all family! What I consider my family may seem messed up to some but if ya know me you understand that history and those who have shared my life with me tend to become family to me. I was married to my first ex husband Stacy for over 15 yrs. and to be honest his family is my family....While I love my own family equally as much his family is right there with them so it is natural that I would invite them to my shindig. Of course Bobby's family probably thought it was a bit odd but you know Bobby thinks of Stacy's family as his family too. Sue, Stacy's Mom has always been like a Mom to me and more so since my Mom's passing. In times when I struggled with my own Mom, Sue seemed to understand and be there, she never passed or passes judgement and always offers good sound advice. Mom must have had such a hard life growing up because she just didn't trust many people, she use to tell us that we couldn't trust anyone but family....As much as I love my Mom I found out the hard way that that isn't always true, sometimes family hurts you, sometimes they don't always love you and sometimes they are harder judges on you than others are. God blessed me when Sue became apart of my life because she showed me that there are people in the world who you can trust completely and who don't have it out to get ya, and is always there no matter what... she helped shaped me into a better person I like to think one that doesn't pass judgement if at all possible and one that does try to see the good in everyone.

Anyway, I only said all that because you will see people that are not my biological family in here. Of course Stacy and Nadie had to leave early so I wasn't able to get pics of them together but hopefully next time I will. Stacy did manage to leave a surprise pic on my camera though! My new family, Bobby's family is in my pics as well and they are all wonderful people too that I am enjoying getting close too.

So here goes...heres my pics:

Of course we have such a nice pond so it was a great day for fishing!!

And even the babies were out to play....we found this baby turtle swimming around the island.

And of course it would be no fun if we couldn't take pictures of each other...hehehe

Verna thought it was a great day to catch some rays!

I never realized how much Gayle's son Tom looks like her until I seen this pic...the smile gave it away!

And Sweet Sheila, I'm not sure what that face meant...lol

Mary, Sue, Verna, and Elizabeth sure made sure that A/C was doing it's job!

Gayle and Sheila posing for my camera!

Well thats all for now. I wish I had taken more pictures but I was slow to get out there and take them but we sure had a good time.

Oh I forgot one....Here's one of my beloved hubby and his brother trying to sneak away behind the Rose of Sharon bush before I got his picture!

Though, I didn't get one of Frank which is Bobby's brother well rather I got him sneaking away, I did get a couple shots of his wife Debbie fishing, course they were not close up, one of these days I will have to get one of them together. Bobby's Mom, Mary wasn't feeling well though she was a trooper and made sure to show for the shindig! Bobby and I took turns spending time in the house with her so she wouldn't feel left out.... it's sad to say though there is always someone who is left out...I don't feel like I got to spend much time with anybody because I was so busy doing all this stuff. As far as Mary being sick, Bobby finally got her to go to the doctor this week and she has bronchitis....please keep her in your prayers! We didn't have the rest of Bobby's family down but I hope we will be able to sometime. We were missing Richie, Shautana, and the kids from my family as well and of course too...John, Linda, and their kids. My son's girlfriend, Torie had to work so he came without her. It's hard to believe they have been dating now for over a year!

Well that's it! Peace out!